“Hay fever is the most common allergy in the developed world. Yet, there are some countries in the world where doctors don’t know what hay fever is.”
~Joel Weinstock
Unfortunately, springtime isn’t welcomed by everyone.
My boyfriend who suffers from allergy to pollen would once a year take a day off from work because of his fatigue from the sneezing.
He wasn’t the only one bothered, not to sound mean, but you get a little irritated with someone who sneezes non-stop and breathes loud at night!
So it’s not just a horrible time for the sick ones, but for everyone else around.
You are allowed to argue with me about this one, but I always think that a healthy body cannot get sick.
And because I’ve never suffered from bad allergies I’ve always been quite fascinated by why and how people get them. It’s hard to think mother nature would put such a thing upon us, and so I do believe it can be avoided.
So let’s dig in to see how you can feel wonderful and energized this Spring, just as you deserve to be!
How do we prevent symptoms of hay fever?
There are actually tons of people out there in the world living with allergies, but because they are healthy or not exposed to common allergens, they don’t know about it.
If you suffer from any type of allergy, it may be wise to try an elimination diet and avoid common triggers:
- All refined sugar and products with hidden sugar (NOT FRUITS)
- Starches from wheat and wheat byproducts (gluten)
- High histamine foods
- Soft drinks
- Commercially processed and/or fried foods
- All foods containing artificial ingredients, such as additives, colorings, flavorings, and preservatives
- Alcohol
- Coffee and other caffeine products
- Eggs
- Milk and dairy products
- Processed meats
- Citric Acid
There have been reports where people avoiding citric acid additive in foods stopped having symptoms of allergy completely. Citric Acid, the chemical kind and most common, is made with a process that includes the poisonous fungus Aspergillus Niger, that is usually found in spaces damaged by dampness.
It’s actually an allergy/intolerance to this fungus that triggers other types of allergies to play out because by the exposure to this substance you’re lowering your immune system so that it can’t work properly.
I’ve also come across some anti-allergy diets recommending to avoid consumption of citrus fruits and bananas. It doesn’t seem accurate when it’s exactly bananas and oranges that have made my man’s problems go away. Also, the number one treatment for hay fever is antihistamine which is vitamin C. The sources contradict one and other.
Simple ways to treat hay fever naturally is with the right diet
Following the list above, opt for a raw or high raw vegan diet during spring season, with lots of nutrients to boost your immune system. A raw vegan diet is automatically anti-inflammatory and therefore many people experience many health benefits on this lifestyle. Dairy and wheat are known to be mucus-forming and inflammatory, they are best strictly avoided a few weeks before and during pollen season. The aim is to eliminate inflammatory foods.
People with hay fever aren’t allergic to pollen per say but are in fact poison intolerant: there could be a certain food or chemical in a food that triggers an allergic reaction. The “allergy” is just a symptom of something not working right in the body. Avoiding trigger foods and eating clean, lots of whole foods and in their raw state as much as possible, helps your body have the energy and tools to defend itself.
It has also come to my attention, and I would say, that most people who suffer from hay fever are actually vitamin C deficient, therefore it’s actually very important that you eat as much fresh foods as possible (this goes for people who get sick very often too).
Studies have shown that probiotics may ease hay fever symptoms, as largely our immunity lays in the gut. As we may know, dairy is very inflammatory and sauerkraut is high in histamine, these are usually two sources of probiotics. However, it’s best to take a daily probiotic supplement a few weeks and during, to help survive the season.
Aside from your diet, getting an air purifier can largely help alleviate exposure. There are also many natural supplements that help support your immune system.
If you’re already affected and you want something fast to lessen the symptoms!
I have some juice recipes that will make use of that juicer you’ve probably forgotten you had. Together with a healthy diet, your symptoms should ease away!

1/2 Lemon, juiced

10 Radishes with stems (100g)
1/2 Thumb of ginger
Loosen Up One & Two
These two should be consumed in the same day. Serve Loosen Up Two with ice and drink about an hour after number One.

Chilli Queen
2 Carrots
1/2 Small de-seeded chili or a pinch of chili powder
1/2 Pineapple (225g)
1/2 Lime, juced
1 tbsp Chopped coriander
Know someone who would benefit from this information?
Juices taken from Miracle Juices by Charmaine Yabsley