I once or twice bought those pre-made packaged gnocchi you can get at the store and never really got the hype, they were much bland and I didn’t feel satisfied taste-wise. So when I came across this sweet potato-version in the latest VegoGourmet issue #9 2015, and decided to try it, I became a true gnocchi lover!
Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Saffron
I’ve made this recipe about five times now, and the reason I’ve kept you waiting was that I wanted to experiment with a gluten-free option. I’ve also changed a few things from the original recipe to adapt to a more HCLF-ratio. The sweet potato gnocchi in the magazine calls for frying them in ginger and chili oil, which I changed to grated ginger or dried ginger powder to be mixed right in the dough, and then sprinkle the chili powder when frying instead. And to make them even something EXTRA, I added saffron into the dough mix!
Something else I wasn’t fond of with in the original recipe, was that it makes for quite a small batch for two. So I doubled it up, but feel free to down size if you’re planning to eat the gnocchi with something more, like: rice, pasta, lentils, beans, etc.
OBS! In the video you’ll see me adding saffron into the flour mix, but after shooting I found it tasted much more if you first mix it with the warm potato, and then adding the flour mix. The video didn’t come out exactly as I wanted, as I didn’t get the good lighting (there was sun when I started and after an hour it went down) and will probably reshoot to republish later this year ;D
Gluten-free options
I’ve made these sweet potato gnocchi using regular organic white flour as well as on plain rice flour to make it gluten-free, and I personally had a more pleasant experience working with the rice flour instead. The dough is much easier to handle, much smoother, and doesn’t get too sticky. But feel free to use whatever gluten-free flour you may wish, I’ve seen people using gluten-free uni mixes and millet flour. I’ve also put some suggestions on grain-free flours to use in the notes, though I have not tested them myself so I’m not sure how well they work.
VegoGourmet Sweden
In Sweden we’ve gotten about two 100% vegan magazines in the last year. VegoGourmet is the never of them, and it didn’t pop up until just a few months ago for me, but has been existing for at least a year. Both magazines are great and filled with delicious recipes, I only prefer this magazine over the other one, Vego, just because the focus is more on whole foods than meat substitutes. However, both magazines rock as they are completely cruelty-free!
I liked VegoGourmet so much that I bought a whole year subscription for my mom as a Christmas present. As she’s always complaining that vegan food isn’t “complete” and that you can’t serve guests just plain carbs without it looking like kids food. I felt as if VegoGourmet can prove her wrong with their amazing recipes, and so I’m hoping this subscription will inspire her to not have any excuses left ;)
Since finding out about this magazine, I actively crossed the magazine rack and put the the magazine at the front as it was always hiding in the back behind the 5:2 Diet Magazine and LCHF Magazine. After two months I went by to do my part of my vegan activism to find it at the front with a sign that said “We Like” :D All my hard work payed off!

Saffransgnocchi på sötpotatis med chili och ingefära
Jag har aldrig varit riktigt förtjust i gnocchi tills jag nyligen kom över en version av den gjort på sötpotatis i tidningen VegoGourmet #9. Det kan ju aldrig bli fel med sötpotatis?! Det vart en hit på middagsbordet och jag kom på den briljanta idén av att tillsätta saffran in i degmixen och serverade rätten även på julbordet!
Jag ändrade lite på originalreceptet, istället för att steka i chili och ingefärsolja så minskade jag på oljan då väldigt lite behövs till stekning, samt tillsatte jag ingefära direkt i degen och sprinklade chilli över den semi-färdiga produkten. En annan sak som jag ändrade var portionsstorleken, då 250g potatis kändes väldigt litet på salladstallriken, om inte man äter något mer till.
Jag experimenterade även med glutenfritt mjöl, så som rismjöl, och kom fram till att degen var mycket mer lätthanterlig och det blev fina och lättsmälta gnocchis av det. Men en standard glutenfri mjölmix ska fungera lika bra.
Om du inte redan gjort det, så rekommenderar jag varmt att kolla in tidningen VegoGourmet (eller tidningen Vego för den delen) för supersmaskiga recept och idéer för en mer plantbaserad kost!
Jag har försökt få tidningen att synas mer, då den legat gömd bakom LCHF, 5:2 och andra ohälsosamma tidningar, och lagt den i ögonhöjd så att fler ska hitta till den. Efter några månader finner jag den till min stora förvåning längst fram med den finaste skylten “Vi Gillar”! Bevisar hur långt man kan komma på lite fredlig aktivism :)

A filling sweet potato gnocchi recipe with saffron spice and warming ginger and chili – Perfect during winter season!
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ca 500g Sweet Potato
ca 200g Rice Flour
1/4 tsp Powdered Ginger or 6 cm Grated Ginger
1g Saffron
2 Tbs Potato/Arrowroot Starch
2 Tbs Tamari
1 tsp Coconut Oil
Chili powder
- Depending on the size of your sweet potato, cut it in half and then lay it on a pan and cook it in the oven at 200°C/390°F for about 35min. Then let the potato cool down completely.
- While the potato is in the oven, mix the flour with ginger, starch and a little bit of salt in a bowl.
- Scoop out the potato and put into another bowl. Mash it and mix it with saffron, add the flour mix at the end.
- Stir and knead for about 5-10 minutes until you have a nice dough. If it’s too sticky, keep adding flour.
- Wrap the dough in cling film or add to a beaker with the lid on, and put it into the refrigerator for 15 min. Optional: Do the steps above as a preparation for the evening or a few hours before.
- Cut the dough in 2-4 parts and roll them out together with some flour to prevent stickiness. Make them into about 1-2cm thin sausages.
- Next, cut them to be about 2-3cm long bites.
- Boil up water with some salt and cook the gnocchi bites on high heat until they float up. You may want to watch for any foaming. After about 10 minutes you may help some up with a spoon.
- Pour out the water with the help of a strainer.
- Heat up a frying pan with a little bit of coconut oil to medium heat. Fry the gnocchi in two batches, 1/2 tsp oil, and 1 tbs Tamari for each batch.
- When they start to become brown, add the soy sauce, chili powder, black pepper and salt if needed. Fry for a few more minutes.
- Put on a plate or over salad and finish off with some fresh coriander leaves and lemon juice!
– This recipe is fine on regular whole wheat flour
– Powdered ginger is much more concentrated, so be careful with it.
– Use purple/Okinawan sweet potatoes to impress even further at the dinner table!
– You can make these even sweeter with 1tbs coconut sugar.
Almond or cashew flour.