One thing you asked for in my in my survey was more food recipes (which is still on and I’d love it if you’d spare 5 min answering it if you haven’t yet :) >>> Click Here <<<), and I’ve been terrible at delivering them here at the blog! Actually, I still feel of no use when sharing this simple cereal bowl recipe. As I’ve told you, I eat pretty simply, not evernote-worthy at all!
Nonetheless, here’s a thing that I make almost every single day! Sometimes even twice if I’m overly active, which I usually am so I can enjoy it twice!
This dish is really sweet, mainly because I make it that way (Can I get someone singing Pour Some Sugar On Me?!), but if you like more of a savory-taste then just make it with berries.
So I’m kind of addicted to Oatly’s Chocolate milk, and you would too if you ever tasted it! I’m usually very sensitive to chocolate and any stimulants, I’m generally against black, green, white and matcha teas, I only drink herbal teas and once in a blue moon I’ll have some decaf coffee because the taste has grown on me. But for some reason, this is the only chocolate-y thing that doesn’t affect me. Amazing. Otherwise what I will do is mix some carob powder with rice milk. And you know, when you’re carbed up you won’t need stimulants to carry you out through the day! ;)
This one is great for breakfast, as a snack or as a pre- and post-workout fuel. It’s simple, quick, delicious and keeps you full!

A delicious fueling bowl of fruits to stay active during the day. ~500kcal
2-3 Bananas or Mangoes
Prefered Plant Milk
1 Tbs Coconut Sugar
Fresh Berries or Frozen
Chop the bananas or mangoes – or do both!
Sprinkle on the dried and fresh berries + Coconut Sugar.
Pour plant milk all over and enjoy!