After experimenting with some of the newer forms of vitamin A, like Retinyl Retinoate (Retinol 8/r-Retinoate) and AHA retinoid conjugate (AHA-RC), I decided it was time to try the one and only Retinol.I thought the First Aid Beauty’s 0.25% retinol…
Empties Vol. 5
I’ve gone a bit too long since my last Empties which has left me with a lot of products to share about. This is only part 1 of perhaps 3(?) from the things I’ve managed to use up these past…
Empties Vol. 2
., I decided to continue doing empties post :) It makes it easier for me to tell you about the things I’ve been testing instead of making separate reviews for each product. It’s why I’ve been falling behind, and why…