As I’ve gotten older I’ve found my teeth becoming more and more yellow and a little crooked which is why I have been considering the use of teeth aligners. A while back I was talking with my boyfriend about getting one of those whitening kits to refresh my smile. Not to say that he could use a little brightening himself…
Barely a week later, the most kismet thing happened! I get an email from Smileo asking if I’d be interested to try their products in exchange for a review – I couldn’t say no!

About Smileo*
Smileo offers three types of teeth whitening products:
– Teeth Whitening Kit with gels and a LED-whitening lamp
– 3D Whitening Strips
– Charcoal Whitening
All products are vegan, cruelty-free, all natural and peroxide-free!
*I was kindly gifted the whitening kit and 3D strips in exchange for a review. My boyfriend took over the testing of the strips, while I tried the gels with the Smileo whitening lamp.

Our Experience
Some background, I have one of the most sensitive gums! I’ve had to give up most teeth whitening toothpaste because they give me toothaches. So far, Sensodyne is the only toothpaste brand that I can tolerate long term. So I was a bit worried about how my gums would react to Smileo. My boyfriend on the other hand has no apparent sensitivity.
The Teeth Whitening Kit
The Smileo kit comes with 3 whitening gels that should last 7 days, a LED-whitening light with a mouth tray, instructions, and a shade map for keeping track of your daily results.
After brushing your teeth, you simply put on the mouth tray on the lamp and inject some gel onto the tray and sit with it for 10-30 minutes. It’s great if you have something to watch while letting the gel work it’s magic. We are currently going through all seasons of Billions and timed it in with our before bedtime-activity.
The first two days it feels a bit uncomfortable and you feel saliva building up quickly. But for each session, you’ll get more used to it and will be able to sit for longer without a problem. However, I personally could not sit with it longer than 20 min before it got too uncomfortable in my mouth.
Something I felt was a bit unpractical was that the lamp isn’t water-proof. Even though most saliva gets on the mouth tray, some will evidently get on the lamp too. And because it’s battery-driven, you need to be very careful rinsing it.
The results are after using the kit for 7 days straight.

The 3D Whitening Strips
The 3D strips are basically the gel in strip-format that you put on your upper and lower teeth.
You get 14 strips which you are able to either use twice daily for 7 days for quick results or once daily for 14 days. It’s recommended to sit with the strips for 30 minutes and then be rinsed off.
Because my boyfriend did not have time in the mornings he opted to do it once daily in the evening. And because I’m the one writing the review I did test them out myself for 3 nights.
I’ve used other whitening strips in the past and felt these were very similar.
Something we both found though, was that the strips weren’t the easiest to rinse off but they were way more comfortable having on than the Smileo lamp.
My boyfriends after-shot is taken about two weeks after the finished course of 11 days. I’m sorry about this, but we run on slightly different schedules and I wanted the lighting to be good too.

Smileo says that you can achieve 8 shades whiter teeth in just 7 days. From the results me and my boyfriend got, I feel it’s an overstatement. But we didn’t have that yellow teeth to begin with, so the results weren’t expected to be drastic.
Both products is said to last between 1-2 months depending on your diet and/or consumption of dark foods and drinks like alcohol and coffee. Smileo recommends to do a 7-day session every 3-4 weeks to maintain results.
Smileo claims that their products cause no harm, pain, or sensitivity during or after use. I can only speak for myself and my gums. I personally did not feel any discomfort to the degree like I usually do with teeth whitening toothpaste with either the strips or the gel. And no complaints from my boyfriend other than he felt 20-30 minutes was a bit long having them on… And I had to remind him every night to apply them. 😅
The products are fairly priced and if you still would be disappointed Smileo offers moneyback guarantee.
Overall, we both found that the results were more gradual than instant with both products. The difference was very subtle for what we were expecting. Maybe a second round is needed? Although the difference is vague I do feel a bit more confident with my smile oddly enough. Sometimes very little is needed to feel different.