This past year I’ve been focusing a lot on hair growth; Trying different methods to make my hair grow faster and preventing fall-out.
In my research, I stumbled upon the Davines Naturaltech Energizing-line, which had a lot of persuading positive reviews from people losing hair either from hormones or disease.
I had high hopes as the Davines Naturaltech Energizing-line seemed to be one of few hair growth-stimulating products with this many convincing reviews on the web. They also contained menthol extract that has been proven to stimulate hair growth in studies on rats.
Here’s a short review of my six-month experience. I will surely keep you updated with lessons I learn along the way in growing long hair!
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To stimulate hair growth in the temples and sides where hair is sparse and prevent hair loss.
I’ve been using the Davines Energizing shampoo with the associated Energizing Superactive serum for a little over six months now. Following the directions with both products: The serum was used every day for the first week, then used at each hair wash (about 3-4 times/week) for the first few months. Of which later I alternated the shampoo with another every other wash, while I essentially used the serum after each wash. (I always followed up with a conditioner of my choice.)
I applied the serum focusing mostly on the areas near my temples and the sides where I hoped to add more density.
I’ve started to see more thickness around the temples, however not much growth at the sides. Not sure if I can say that it is completely thanks to these two products as it is something I’ve noticed within the last two(!) months. I also do always get new baby hair around summertime. In addition, I have recently started testing other methods that I believe have yielded more of the results I’m looking for.

I found the shampoo and serum easy to use. They both smell quite spicy of spearmint, but nothing that lingers. If you work up a sweat sometime after you’ve applied the serum, you might sense it again.
The shampoo needs a pre-wash for it to lather up nicely. It gives somewhat of an “illusioned” thickness to the hair just like any regular volume/thickness shampoo. The serum does that too, but it’s not as much the serum as it is the massage that teases the hair a bit.
One of my complaints though is that the serum and the shampoo aren’t very conditioning. I often felt like the serum wasn’t the best for current hair strands compared to other hair serums I’ve tried. I know you’re supposed to apply it to the scalp, but hair will unintentionally get some on them.
Overall I am mostly disappointed as I have not seen any reduction in hair loss during the entire period of use. Boosting new hair follicles is one thing, but I was at least hoping I wouldn’t lose as much hair while using this duo. Even when I used the products often there was plenty of hair left in the shower.
I’ll give it three out of five stars mostly based on that I know these products have helped a lot of people and I like Davines as a brand. It has also not destroyed my hair or scalp. For that, they both are okay products to use for general scalp health, but it’s definitely either a hit or a miss when it comes to activating hair growth.
Additional note: There seem to be two versions of the Energizing Superactive hair serum circulating. My version only contained Eucalyptus, Menthol and Black Cohosh extract. While I believe, the newer version, contains Eucalyptus, Menthol, Niacinamide and Red Clover extract. I bought my serum second hand so that may explain it, or they reformulated not long after I purchased mine. It’s hard to get get your hands on the full inci list, even Davines official website doesn’t show the correct ingredient list.
So for the sake of ease, down below is the ingredients of the Superactive hair serum that I’ve been using.
But this means that I’m willing to give the serum another try in the future.